Why Join?
Now entering its 20th year, NJBA is a member-driven business networking alliance. Our members share one foundational value – to help each other succeed in their careers and their enterprises. Our members include entrepreneurial owners, senior executives, and senior sales professionals. We meet collectively and individually with each other in a non-competitive environment with the objective of helping one another through knowledge-sharing, advice, and support, as well as referrals, introductions, and leads.
Motivated To Help Others
Networking at NJBA can be defined as asking the question, “How can I help you?” instead of “How can you help me?” There have been published studies that strongly support the idea that people who are the most giving of their time, effort and money are also the most successful in their businesses. Similarly, NJBA members who are motivated by the desire to help others often find that their efforts are reflected in the assistance they receive from other members in building their enterprises.
Guests are welcome to attend NJBA meetings, but must be sponsored by a member and approved (as not being in competition with current members) to attend prior to a meeting. Membership is on an invitation-only basis and is the culmination of a process of meeting a cross-section of current members to determine that both the prospective member and current members share the same values and commitment to networking as previously described. To avoid competition among members, membership is limited to one person per specialty or industry.
Being a member of NJBA for 6 years has been a very positive experience. When I sought membership, I know there were talented professionals for me to associate and network with. What I also gained is a great group of people who are always looking to help each other in ways outside normal business.
Sam Guss

About Our Meetings
NJBA has twelve monthly meetings each year, which generally occur on the third Wednesday evening of each month; meetings may be scheduled on another date if there is a conflict, for example, with a holiday that would affect attendance. Ten of the meetings are business meetings and two (usually January and July) are strictly social gatherings for members and their guests. The business meetings share the following general format; however, individual meetings may differ (for example, by having a guest speaker on a topic of interest to members and guests). And, of course, for now in light of COVID-19, our meetings are virtual.