
Networking Wisdom - Sept 2024

By Boby Giurintano

• You get out of it, what you put into it. It’s all about effort. Networking is a part-time job within a job. If you’re not going to invest the time to help other people, don’t expect to get the results you desire.
• Be organized. When speaking with someone, always take notes. Add these notes to a spreadsheet or CRM so you can reference them at any time. Never take networking calls if you can’t be focused on the call or are unable to take notes.
• Ask a lot of questions to learn more about the person and who can help their business. Also, ask creative questions such as “Do you have any gaps in your network you’re trying to fill for you or your clients?” or “Besides networking and client referrals, what are you doing creatively to drive new business?”
• Be precise in your ask when it comes to the types of connections or clients you’re looking for. I’m agnostic or I can work with anyone is not a good approach. The more targeted you are, the more likely you’ll get quality introductions.
• Be efficient. Time is money. Find ways to network and provide value to your connections without investing a ton of time. For example, scheduling a lunch with professionals targeting the same industries as you. Setting up a group zoom, so you and your friends can discuss each other’s prospects. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify people you want to meet by reviewing your friend’s connections.

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